What does it REALLY mean to behave like a Godly wife? How do we honor our roles as wives and bring glory to God? What are the most important habits of a Godly wife we should implement?
These and many more questions often appear in our heads, and that’s good – it means we want to find answers and improve as wives. And this itself is a habit of a good wife I would say – this urge to never stop working on yourself.
Too many times I saw women who expected princess treatment and were not ready to move a finger. Of course, our husbands are responsible before God to work on themselves too, but it is not a reason for us, women, to simply wait.
Yet, at the same time, it is difficult to figure out what to do, and what not to do, and so instead of keeping the motivation up, we become discouraged. But no worries! This article will uncover before you 7 habits of a Godly wife that you can start implementing straight away.
Believe me, working on yourself in your marriage was never so simple (notice: simple, but NOT easy;)). Let’s dive right in!
WHO Is a Godly Wife?
I wrote many articles about this subject and I could write many more. For example, I believe that essence of being a Godly wife is having a homemaker’s attitude. Skills will come in time, but the heart that fears the Lord and wants to build a Home is just a lovely place to start.
If you are interested in the subject of homemaking and what it means on a deeper level, feel free to read about it here.
Also, a Godly wife is very different from a “wordly” wife for an important reason. Wordly wife thinks about her husband and herself (sadly, sometimes even in the opposite order) while Godly wife thinks about God, her husband and then herself. So before she does anything in her marriage, He consults it with Someone greater.
If you love God, love your husband and are willing to improve in your marriage – congratulations, you are a Godly wife 🙂

1. Prayer Comes First
I know, I know, it is so easy to slip away and get lost in the business of the day and forget to talk to God first. Yet, believe me, if you start the day off with Jesus, it will look so much better, not only for you but also for your husband.
Even better idea – pray together. Even statistics show that couples who pray together are way less likely to split. Interesting, isn’t it? But at the same not surprising at all.
So, set aside 5-10 minutes daily to talk to God about your marriage and life. Such a “little” habit, but believe me, can change a lot.
2. Gratitude is the Key
Even the Bible reminds us that a nagging wife is nothing nice. Being grateful for the little things that your husband does is just the thing you should do. This is one of the habits of a Godly wife because it changes your heart – instead of complaining and comparing your husband, you actually appreciate him more and more.
What I do, and I recommend you try it to: everyday I write down three things I am grateful for. Whether it is a my husband’s quality, a nice thing he did, our home etc. There is always something to be grateful for if you are only willing to look for it.
3. Respect, Respect, and Respect
Husband need to be respected. I know that it does not always come natural to us, but it is worth to keep on trying. Noit talking badly about your husband to other people is just the right place to start
Value his opinion, do not interrupt him, and show him that he is important. And the good news is – the more you practice this attitude, the easier it comes.
4. Nurture Intimacy
The sad truth is – the longer you are married, the harder it is to be intimate. But hey, it does not need to mean that the romance is over. If you only are being intentional about intimacy in your marriage, everything will work just fine.
If you want to work on your bedroom life but are not sure how check out this section on my blog – you’ll find everything that you need there to find the habits of a Godly wife in lovemaking.
5. Prioritize Home
The modern world is trying to twist it all, but you have to stay focused on God’s Word. And it tells us that our primary responsibility is to create a home, not make a “career”. It is never healthy for a marriage when the roles are switched or mixed. Stay focused on what God has gifted you with and do your best.
6. Encourage Before Critisizing
You have a great power to build your husband up – use it wisely. Choosing positive words over the negative ones always brings benefits. Of course, sometimes it is good to point something out or serve an advice, but one of the habits of a Godly wife is choosing good words of encouragement whenever she can
7. Embrace Forgivness
We were forgiven, and it is just right to pass this grace to our spouses. Bitterness, and holding a grudge- are behaviors you want to stay away from. Instead, embrace forgiving, not only your husband but also yourself for the mistakes you are making. They are normal and expected on the way to growth.

Habits of a Godly Wife – Conclusion
Basically, being a Godly wife starts with an attitude of heart, and then comes implementing some good habits.
And remember – it is always a process. Don’t forget to have fun along the way!
Because in fact, marriage is one of the best gifts from God. Embrace it!