Making a budget for two people or an even bigger family is a challenge. Especially when one spouse is a saver and the other rather…
How to Keep a Man Interested for a Lifetime – 5 Tricks
So you’ve made it – got your dream man, got married, he is yours. Getting a man is not that hard (usually) but how to…
Money And Fashion – How Much You Should Spend on Clothes
Being financially responsible is hard. Especially when there are temptations to spend money at every corner. I never knew how much money is a lot…
4 Sexual Sins in Marriage Nobody Talks About
Sexual sins have been there forever – lust, pornography, sex before marriage, and so on. Even though it is slowly not a taboo anymore, there…
4 Reasons Why Christians Should Not Wear Bikinis
Summer is still on, and every time this wonderful season comes, I wonder what swimsuit to pack for my next vacation. And I know we…
4 Dating Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make As A Christian
The dating phase is complicated and things get even harder if you are a Christian. Simply because you not only want to make things the…
5 Ultimate Reasons For Shopping For Clothes Online
Shopping for clothes online has been there for a while and it became super popular during Covid. Yet, even if the pandemic is over, some…
Dating Your Spouse? YES, You Should! Here’s Why
Dating your spouse – for sure you’ve heard that phrase before but maybe never gave it much thought. In fact, it does not make much…
5 Tricks to Make Shopping Less Traumatic and More Fun
I don’t know a woman who does not like shopping! Wait… I do. Because shopping for clothes, as much as it can be fun, it…
Dr. Emerson Eggerichs’ Love and Respect Book Review
If you haven’t read the book “Love and Respect” and you’re considering buying it, I’m here to help you make this decision. Is the book…