What You Should Do for Your Marriage in 2025?

Working on a marriage never stops – because the wedding is just the beginning, not the end. And the more we work on our relationship, the better it becomes. So let’s step into 2025 with such a mindset and let’s make it the best, the sweetest, and the most romantic year ever.

It IS possible to make a revolution in one year. Actually, if one wants, it is possible to make big changes in a day. But, not to aim at such a scary deadline, let’s think about what we can do in 2025 to make our marriages better. Let’s dive right in!

a red rose on the black and white background

1. Make a prayer list

Sit down together and write down your couple’s goals, people to pray for, and your dreams. Then bring them all to God and see what happens!

A few days ago I actually found my prayer list from our first year as a married couple. I simply could not believe me – every single intention was fulfilled in one day or another.

Praying together is extremely powerful. Even studies show that couples who pray together are way less likely to get divorced. These statistics are not surprising, because as we all know placing God in the middle of a relationship is just the right thing to do.

So before 2025 fully starts, create your prayers list and make praying as marriage a habit in your daily life.

2. Read a marriage book

I know not everyone is a book-worn, that’s why one book is a good goal for 2025. Pick something that can benefit you, and invest in one sphere of your marriage that is the most problematic (for example intimacy, communication, etc.). Using resources like that not only gives you more knowledge and tools to work on your marriage but also shows your partner that you care and you are willing to make some effort.

I can’t imagine where I would be as a wife if I didn’t read what I read. Sometimes the answer to our marital issues was written by somebody else and all it takes is to read more.

Maybe it’s the literature student in me, but I do believe books are a wonderful privilege and one should never stop learning from them. So let’s head to the library this year!

3. Plan a marriage retreat

Taking trips together, even not so far away, is essential for your love and passion to grow. Just think about it – you cut yourself out of your daily routine, you leave your problems behind for a day or two (or even a week if you are able to!) and all you focus on is… your partner.

You see new places together, and somebody else cleans and cooks for you, this is just a perfect environment for butterflies and sparks to come back.

Seriously, if you want more romance in your marriage – create it! You have a whole year to plan your perfect trip so start now!

4. Set couple goals

January is always a hectic time of resolutions. What if instead of hitting the gym and not eating sweets we would set goals that are meant to improve our marriage? Go on more dates, not call each other names, pay off a debt together – anything can be a couple’s goal if done together.

Planning together is needed to keep the marriage a union, you are a team after all. If each of you focuses only on personal goals, after a while you become two roommates, not lovers.

So this year make more room for planning and dreaming together so you know what to work on in your marriage this year.

Make This Year The Most Romantic Year!

You can change a lot in your relationship if you ask God for help and you are being intentional. Really – just these two conditions are needed for an amazing marriage. The rest will come in time.

I’m cheering for you and hoping you can bring some sparks to your marriage in 2025! I’ll add you and your marriage to my prayer list 🙂

Love, Marysia

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